Sabtu, 19 November 2016

what must we do in our life?

What must we do in our life? Maybe most of us have ever asked this question, at least to ourselves. And the answer could be very various. It could be "we have to strangle in our life so we will become the winner". Or "we have to work hard to get better living". Some of us will say "we have to be usefull for ourselves and others so we can give a mean in our life". Many of others will answer "we have to help each other so there will be a peachful living in the world". And many more different answers we get but most of the answer is "we have to do our best in our life". This answer has deep meaning. It is not only we must do the nice thing but also we must do everything as perfect as we can. It is include of our attitude and behavior. Or we can called them carracter. But in the real life it is not so eazy to do as we say that. It is very dificult to have nice attitude and behavior if we don't do that since we still a child. Of course parent have the most responsibility to teach their children in the best way of life. They have to give the best example to their children. But once again it is not so simple as it say